Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Excuse me Ma’m, is that an IED under your sari or are you just happy to see me?

BY: B. Keith Plunkett

I had every intention of writing a great morning rant on the ridiculousness of some recent Facebook trends, and I’ll likely get to that on another post. I’m usually extremely geared up for the task of rant writing in the morning thanks to the fact that I’m forced to drive through two or three major traffic zones to get to the office. By the time I’ve flipped off and cussed out every stupid A-hole driver (SAHD) on the morning commute between Madison and Rankin Counties, I’m primed for prime-time. This morning was no different, until I got to the office and picked up the Clarion Ledger.
An aside here for those of you who know I work a federal job, I come in early to do writing and then prep for the day before the office opens. At lunch, I put the finishing touches on the post and get it up. In other words, this wasn’t written on the taxpayers dime!
Front page of the CL today reads: Female diplomat patted down at Jackson Airport. The subtitle is Indian ambassador’s treatment called humiliating. Apparently this has upset “state hosts and elected officials” according to the article.
Really?! And why the hell is she so special, because, she has diplomatic papers? Big deal, having a state issued driver’s license and appearing to be nothing like a terrorist (read white cracker), a U.S.  Citizen and, in some cases, a grandmother or a 6-year old child hasn’t helped some people out of the invasive search. We should be happy that a person with a “not from around here” appearance from a country with a few billion Muslims gets a second look from TSA, shouldn’t we? Isn’t that what this whole damn exercise is supposed to be about to begin with?
Who cares if she was being escorted by a representative of the Mississippi Development Authority?  Even someone as socially inept as the guy who works at--and I think lives in the back room of--the local 7-11 and has the heavy aroma of funk and patchouli could find some guy wandering Poindexter Park in West Jackson, mumbling to himself and in need of a few dollars, to be a stooge to pull that off. Convince the park wanderer to take his meds, then clean him up and coach him to pretend to be an important person and he could get through security just about anywhere in this town.
Let’s give these TSA airport guys a little credit. They damn sure don’t want a plane to go down because they refused to check someone just because she was being escorted by a suit. For god sakes, they feel up fat people’s junk all day! It’s already a crappy enough job. Let’s give them some kudos for wanting to work bad enough to do that instead of . . . say, signing up for an SSI crazy check and wandering around Poindexter Park all day mumbling to themselves.

Shankar presented her diplomatic papers to officers and was escorted by an MDA representative and an airport security officer, but witnesses said she was subjected to the hands-on search.
"The way they pat them down - it was so humiliating," said Tan Tsai, a research associate at MSU's International Security Studies center who witnessed the screening. "Anybody who passed by could see it."
The poor thing. She must have been in shock. In her home country they would never do anything like that, right?
Wrong! Land in Delhi and you’re met with military personnel with automatic weapons. I’ll take a TSA pat down over being strip searched at gunpoint any day.
We southerners are a hospitable bunch. Nobody—that is nobody not on the sex offender list—wants to see their guests unwillingly fondled before or after a visit. But, let’s get real. While we are known for treating our guests like royalty, the outrage from our “state officials” smacks of a hierarchical superiority. If there was any message they should have received loud and clear after last month’s elections, it’s that the voters don’t think they, or their invited dignitaries, are any more special than the rest of us.
Enough with the faux outrage.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Bah. Humbug.

BY: B. Keith Plunkett

I had the Christmas Spirit yesterday for all of two hours. I heard a Christmas song in a coworker's office, and I thought, "yeah, I'm ready." Visions of happiness and thoughts of "God bless us everyone" bounced around in my sentimental noggin.

Then I went home.

Last night I opened three invitations to Christmas functions--and I do mean functions, not parties. Today, I began trying to deal with how to schedule my holiday season to be sure and hit all the necessary organizational gatherings, as well as make it to all the other events and not piss off any of my friends and family.

This is why I now go on a Christmas Vacation every year. I can't take this crap! The holiday is a constant barrage of "do you love me?" tests driven by an insatiable consumerism. It turns otherwise decent people into zombies that mindlessly reach for cash to throw down for trifling trinkets. They then wrap it in tinsil and pretty paper, and hope above all hope that it proves their love and devotion.

Yes, I love you, too. I love you enough to tell you that the truth is I don't want to be pressured into proving it. I enjoy my alone time, and if you can't understand that you're part of the problem.

For decades my wife and I dealt with going to a Christmas party at my grandparents where we were expected weeks in advance to draw names to buy gifts for people we only see once a year at Christmas. We were told by some of my aunts that if we dared stop the tradition it would crush my grandparents and send them to an early grave. These are the same ultra religious grandparents who have always--both before the get together and after--preached loudly as to how the "Reason for the Season" has been forgotten.

Praise God, Jesus is Born, pass me another helping of cake and let's see how high we can stack the gifts that no one here will ever see again until we clean out our closets 10 Springs from now. Ugh!

After we could no longer get my family to see how absolutely phony their claims of piety were, my wife and I bucked the charlatans for our own Christmas Tradition. It involves not getting the kids more than one gift, and usually only something useful and needed. It involves the four of us alone together in a special place. Last year, it was two weeks in Manhattan. This year it will be 10 days in south Florida.

A family adventure where we spend time making memories, and I don't even so much as hang a wreath or a light.

Here's a few more reasons why we should all give up on our ridiculous Christmas and start again from Leo at zenhabits:

1. The focus is on buying, not on sharing. I love the idea of giving to people you love, but that idea has been twisted. Now people go out in a mad rush to shop, like ravenous vampires feasting on new blood. We shop for a month, rip apart the packaging one morning, and then forget about it the next day. Is this about giving, or buying?

2. Giving is great, but buying is not the solution. Again, I’m in love with giving … but do we need to buy to give? We seem to think that buying is the solution to any problem, but that has lead to a society that is deeply in debt and piled high with needless stuff. We can find other ways to give: bake cookies, wash someone’s car, babysit so they can go on a date night, create a photo album, be there when they need help moving.

3. The waste, oh the waste. Let’s start with packaging: the packaging for every toy is double the volume of the toy itself. From cardboard to plastic to metal twist-ties, it’s ridiculous. Then every item we buy must be brought home in bags. We often put everything in boxes. Then we buy wrapping paper and wrap it all up. All of this gets thrown away on Christmas day. Finally, there’s the gift itself — people get so much stuff they can’t possibly treasure everything. So it goes into the closet to be forgotten.

4. The sorrowful debt. Most people spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars on gifts and wrapping. Not to mention all the money spent on gas, driving to different shopping places, and the money spent on fattening food at mall food courts. This goes on credit cards (and around our waistlines), and we then must pay for this — with high interest — during the year. Even if you don’t get into debt, you’re spending money earned from long hours of hard work — is this really how you want to spend your life, paying for needless stuff so corporations can get rich?

5. The horrendous, insipid, seizure-inducing advertising. I can’t stand advertising, and it only gets worse on Christmas. The ads pound on you relentlessly until you give in — and it works. That’s been proven — those ads are getting you to buy more, to want more, to lay down the credit card. I don’t watch TV, read newspapers or magazines, or allow ads in my browser so that I don’t have to be subjected to this.

6. The fuel. If you drive all over the place to shop, you’re using lots of fuel. Even if you just order online, think of the fuel it takes to deliver these products (overnight!) to your home. And the fuel used to create the products, to get the raw materials to the factories, to cut down the raw materials, to ship the finished product to the stores or warehouses from around the world (most likely from China), not to mention all the fuel used to create and ship the packaging. It’s a few million metric craploads of fuel, wasted for giving some presents that will be forgotten.

7. There are still hungry people in the world. In the frenzy that is Christmas shopping, we spend ridiculous amounts of money that is pure waste. In other countries, people are struggling just to eat, or get medicine, or find shelter, or get clean drinking water. We spend so much in a show of consumerist greed, when that money could go to feed a few dozen families. If you have money to waste, consider donating it to an organization that is helping these types of families. I know this sounds preachy, but really, this kind of reminder is necessary in times like these.

8. The neverending clutter. What happens to all the gifts? They go on our shelves, in our closets, on the floor. We already have so much clutter — do we need more? We already have problems figuring out what to do with everything we own. Why do we want to clutter our homes even more? Why do we want to force clutter on our loved ones, oblige them to find a spot in their already cluttered homes for this gift we’ve given them, so they won’t offend us when we come to visit? Is this obligation really a gift?

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Weathering the Storm of Disrespect for the Elderly

Anyone that really knows me understands that I have an irreverent streak that borders on antagonistic. I have a hard time seeing hypocrisy and hardheaded behavior and not pointing it out as such. It has gotten me in trouble a few times, especially at church and family functions when the subject of politics or religion, or the combination of the two, find their way into a conversation. It has never ceased to amaze me how willing some people are to speak their mind when they clearly haven’t bothered to do any research into a subject. Apparently, in the mind of some folks, the opinions purported on the singular political channel they watch, or the comments they glean from around the Boo Rey table at deer camp mumbled through a late night drunken stupor is enough to give them the equivalent of a PHD in just about whatever subject they deem. Why is it that the most self-righteous and front and center discussion seems to come from the person who has spent the least amount of time actually researching the subject they choose to discuss? And, while I’m on the persona of the good-ole-boy-uneducated-lecturing-protagonist I should also ask another leading question; “Why are these almost always the biggest wusses, yet the biggest chest thumpers among us about how tough they are?”
I can’t tell you how many times over the past year I have mentioned a camping trip, or a trip to kayak some local swamp or river, with the response from otherwise self celebratory “tough guys” being a warning,  bordering on outright chastisement, against the foolishness that I would dare do something so dangerous. Doesn’t it make sense that the big burly wannabes among us should be less frightened of their surroundings and a little more adventure seeking?
I could go on about the personality of the type, like why they belly-ache about having to do so much hard work, yet are almost always seeking ways to do the least of it. Think about it the next time you hear some blow-hard griping about putting in hard hours from daylight to dusk. Then take a closer look. Chances are he has a layer of fat like a seal, a gut like a manatee, and probably would be just as quick to complain about a hang-nail.  These beer-bellied burdensome among us inevitably make the point in conversation about how tough it was when they were younger—you know, the walk to school with a bobcat on their back—and how their Dad was so tough on them, because in his day he had it even tougher.
I can happily say that despite the fact that my Dad had an explosive temper when I was younger, and would occasionally come unhinged at some of my maddeningly extroverted aggravation exercises (I have always been an envelope pusher), he tells of his own childhood as one of happiness. Not one of privilege mind you, but one of happiness; running barefoot down a gravel road without a care in the world, being trapped in a culvert for four hours after venturing in a space a little too tight (Yeah, he counts that among his fond memories. Go figure!). You know, mud, sweat, frogs, fishing—that kind of thing. Al Plunkett has never been the kind—at least in the presence of his son—to gripe and complain about how tough it was and how the world is going to hell in a hand basket because there aren’t more people like him in the world. I look at my Dad and I see a man happy with his life, and that makes me happy. Unlike so many of his fellow rural contemporaries, he hasn’t become jaded at the piss-poor condition of the world around him, or the complete incompetence of “others” who still participate in something other than work and church.
While President Obama clearly stepped in a large heap of steaming controversy when he mentioned the people that “cling to guns and religion”, we all would do well to come clean and admit that part of the reason for some of the uproar was because he wasn’t really too far off base regarding some of our rural brethren. That’s coming from a staunch Second Amendment guy and a believer. So, save your sermon for somebody else.
Other than being taught to keep my bible and firearms handy, I was brought up to show respect for others, especially the elderly. This is part of the Southerner DNA, and something we from the gene pool can be proud of.  Sure, for many of us the MSU hoop cheese slice has slid off the saltine, but we also produce a hell of a lot of what is right with the world in the way of musicians, writers, athletes and politicians. Tell me there are four things more important than those and I’ll tell you that your priorities are in need of some adjustment.
But, getting back to that respect thing, I sometimes question how much we should show for the elderly just for the reason that they are . . . well, old. The irreverent antagonist in me wonders why we give deference to idiocy and the self absorbed “Crankshafts” of the world, especially those that are so quick to revert to mythical bogeyman theory when it comes to anything that is unknown. Is it ever permissible by genteel southern standards to tell a person—even one pushing seventy—to lighten up, back off and pick up a damn book?
I know I run the risk of being labeled disrespectful. But, if my God fearing Granny has taught me anything it’s that you can say anything about anybody as long as you ask God to love that person’s soul. I never have really fully understood that. I think it’s kind of like a chant, a spell or an incantation that is supposed to cancel out any negativity. It seems that Baptists and Voodoo Priests have more in common than either is willing to admit.
I was recently helping out a friend running for County Judge in a run-off election by putting out signs at local precincts. While I was placing a sign on the public right-of-way just outside of the legal distance of 150 feet from the front door of the rural polling place, an elderly man I know who lives across the road drove up on his tractor.
“I don’t want that in front of my house,” he snarled.
“This is the public right-of-way,” I replied.
“I don’t care. If you leave it there, I’m gonna pull it up. The last time there was an election that guy left his signs and didn’t come back and get em. So, I got rid of em.”
“Well, that’s because it was to be a runoff election and he can leave them up legally. I wasn’t in charge of those signs. But I’m responsible for these, and I can promise you, I’ll be back to get them tomorrow.”
“I don’t care. I don’t want it there,” he reasserted. “Where does the buck stop?”
“I told you it stops with me,” I responded to his attempts to inject the 1950’s Truman Era phraseology.
I don’t know whether that was as close as he could get to an updated moniker that he felt fit the circumstances, or if he was attempting to dazzle me with his quick wit. Either way, the question had been answered before he asked it—keep up with me gramps, and we’ll get this over with quickly. But, it was the verbal straw he grabbed for next that had me searching for ways to remain positive and not delve into my penchant for calling out know-nothing hypocrites.
“I know the law!” he yelled with his right eye staring me down and his left one cocked outward and gazing off into the distance somewhere over my right shoulder.
This is when the son that Sandra and Al Plunkett always had hoped for stepped in, and the smartass they worked for close to twenty years to get rid of was over ruled. The Lil’ Angel that took over the situation came from an unexpected place in the back of my head, and immediately booted the Lil’ Devil that I was accustomed to allowing full rein in such instances.
The discussion was at the point that I could have giddily pointed out that the old fellow had just produced a circular argument that ended in an absolutely false conclusion. He obviously didn’t know the law. But, instead I told him it was too beautiful a morning for all that.
“I don’t want to argue with you, Mr. Gene,” I was amazed to hear myself say with a smile. “I’ll just pick up the sign, and put it over there by the intersection. Is that okay?”
“I don’t care,” he grumbled. “That ain’t my property down there.”
Of course, the point I had attempted earlier to make that fell on deaf ears and couldn’t sink into that petrified old head of his was that where I had originally placed the sign wasn’t his property either. But, I let it go, inquired as to how his wife was doing, and walked to the intersection to place the sign.
Damnit! I must be getting soft!
I returned to my car and was met by a young lady wearing scrubs that had been inside to vote before going to work. Unbeknownst to me, she along with a few other folks had listened to the entire exchange.
“He can’t do that,” she said. She then suggested that she was prepared to join in the fight and that I should put the sign there anyway.
“Not worth it,” I replied. “If I leave it, he’ll pull it up, and my guy doesn’t have many signs left.”
Old Mr. Gene got his way, but at what cost? How many people standing at the door of the polling place—which, by the way, also happened to be a church, but I’m not chasing that rabbit—were listening and are thinking less of the old coot now?
It was as I was driving away from the scene that I remembered when I first came into contact with Mr. Gene a couple of years earlier. He was being the dutiful husband by helping his wife organize a local plant swap. As he opened the ceremony with announcements about how the event had been publicized, and alluding to how the publicity had helped get a very good crowd, he referred to the Clarion Ledger, the state newspaper, as the “Clarion Liar.”
Now, I’m no huge fan of the Clarion Ledger, and much of the criticism the paper receives is warranted. But, I also find the overused “Clarion Liar” call to be a common refrain among those who lack a full grasp of facts.  It is a quick “go-to” that can be relied upon when a particular demographic doesn’t like or understand the full complexities of what they are reading. What was telling in this particular case was the fact that Old Mr. Gene didn’t mind referring to the newspaper in a negative light despite that he and his group of geriatric plant pros were the beneficiaries of the coverage. The event boasted a standing room only crowd thanks, in part, to that coverage from the very newspaper he was now bashing in front of quite a few folks, some of which I feel safe in saying Old Gene didn’t even know. Yet there he was spouting off all holier than thou and suggesting, by tone and demeanor, that he was somehow smarter than the entire staff of the newspaper and everybody else standing before him in the room.
As I snapped back to the present to hug the shoulder of the road and narrowly miss a log truck, my mind had detected a pattern.
 Back at the polling place the day after our terse discussion at the fence line, I found the campaign sign down the road from Mr. Gene’s place. It had been pulled up and thrown on the ground across the road. Mr. Gene was outside at the fence continuing his play in the dirt breaking ground to plant daffodils. I have no way of knowing whether he was the one who yanked up the sign or exactly when it was done. But, it was lying there wet from the morning dew suggesting it had been there since at least the previous afternoon. I loaded the sign in the back of my vehicle, pulled over close to Mr. Gene and rolled down my window.
“I just wanted to tell you hello, and let you know I’m a man of my word. I have the signs I brought out yesterday,” I yelled out through the car window with all the ebullience I could muster, “Happy Thanksgiving!”
“Yeah, okay. Happy Thanksgiving,” he muttered back at me under his breath without even so much as looking up from his work. Was he just being rude, or was he trying not to eyeball me and give away the fact that he had pulled up the sign? I imagined how opposite Old Mr. Gene’s actions were from that of Clint Eastwood’s character in Gran Torino as he pointed a pistol the size of a cannon in a young kids face and growled from behind clinched teeth, “Get off my lawn!”  It might be completely wrong, but at least that would have been something I could sort of respect.
I drove away, waving at Mr. Gene’s wife working a few dozen yards away. She smiled a big happy smile and waved back.
Poor lady—the rest of us only have to deal with her husband when circumstances force it. She has to live with him every day. Imagine having to deal with someone who is pissed off at the world with such passive ferocity on a daily basis—not quite ballsy enough to stick with the argument, nor humble and honest enough to admit a lack of surety. The added sullenness is just giblets in the morose gravy the old fart stews in.
What’s even worse is that he has to live with himself. God love his soul.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Reverence Lost

Okay, Okay! The reverence was only skin deep to begin with. But sometimes the weight of hypocrisy, and A-holeism is too much to bear, so much so it drives me to give up on pretending and pound it out on "paper."

Self helpers and other psycho babblists will tell you to commit it all to paper and then symbolically burn it to rid yourself of the bad karma.

After suffering from the weight of a duplicitous and cantakerous old straw that helped break the proverbial camels back last week, I wrote a couple of thousand words to rid myself of the demons. But, why in the hell would I do all that writing and then blow it away?

Yeah. It didn't make sense to me either.

I decided it was impossible to post what I had written on one of my other websites. It just doesn't fit. What to do?

I found years ago that writing pissed off was a great way to write opinions and editorials in my role as a writer for a local rag. Except with those, I had to go back and clean them up. Often times the combinations of good cop/bad cop I played on myself led to some pretty awesome articles.

But, instead of editing in the hopes of making something benign, I'm going 180 degrees.

I'm opting to go full out bad cop, and you're invited to join me!

I'll be posting that before mentioned article this week, and laying out some ideas for guest columnist.

Lets lose our minds together, shall we?!